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講座・京都大学大学院 医学研究科
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2001-2005 | 山形大学 農学部生物資源学科 |
2005-2007 | 山形大学 医学系研究科生命環境医科学 (修士) |
2007-2010 | 山形大学 医学系研究科生命環境医科学 (博士) |
2008-2010 | 日本学術振興会特別研究員(グローバルCOE) |
2010-2012 | 財団法人がん振興財団 リサーチレジデント |
2012-2012 | 独立行政法人がん研究センター研究所 発がんシステム研究分野がん研究特別研究員 |
2012-2018 | 鳥取大学医学部生命科学科生体情報機能学講座 病態生化学分野 助教 |
2019-現在 | 京都大学医学研究科 現職 |
腸上皮オルガノイド培養, 炎症, 発癌モデル
- Lin YK, Coppo R, Onuma K, Endo H, Kondo J, Iwabuchi S, Hashimoto S, Itatani Y, Obama K, Inoue M. Growth pattern of de novo small clusters of colorectal cancer is regulated by Notch signaling at detachment. Cancer Sci. 19 September 2024 https://doi.org/10.1111/cas.16299
- Masuda M, Iida K, Iwabuchi S, Tanaka M, Kubota S, Uematsu H, Onuma K, Kukita Y, Kato K, Kamiura S, Nakajima A, Coppo R, Kanda M, Yoshino K, Ueda Y, Morii E, Kimura T, Kondo J, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Shinichi Hashimoto S, Masahiro Inoue M Clonal origin and lineage ambiguity in mixed neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix Am J Pathol. 14 December 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpath.2023.11.013
- Suezawa T, Sasaki N, Yukawa Y, Assan N, Uetake Y, Onuma K, Kamada R, Tomioka D, Sakurai H, Katayama R, Inoue M, & Matsusaki M. Ultra-Rapid and Specific Gelation of Collagen Molecules for Transparent and Tough Gels by Transition Metal Complexation. Adv Sci (Weinh). 11 Sep 2023 https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202302637
- Uematsu H, Saito C, Kondo J, Onuma K, Coppo R, Mori Y, Muto M, Kikawa Y, Tada M, Sugie T & Inoue M De-differentiation in cultures of organoids from luminal-type breast cancer is restored by inhibition of NOTCH signaling Human Cell. 27 Aug 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13577-023-00975-7
- Coppo R, Kondo J, Onuma K, Inoue M Tracking the growth fate of single cells and isolating slow-growing cells in human colorectal cancer organoids STAR Protocols. 28 June 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102395
- Shimizu S, Kondo J, Onuma K, Coppo R, Ota K, Kamada M, Harada Y, Tanaka Y, Nakazawa M, Tamada Y, Okuno Y, Kawada K, Obama K, Coffey RJ, Fujiwara Y, Inoue M Inhibition of the bone morphogenetic protein pathway suppresses tumor growth through downregulation of epidermal growth factor receptor in MEK/ERK-dependent colorectal cancer Cancer Science. 25 June 2023 https://doi.org/10.1111/cas.15882
- Nashimoto Y, Shishido S, Onuma K, Ino K, Inoue M and Shiku H Oxygen metabolism analysis of a single organoid for non-invasive discrimination of cancer subpopulations with different growth capabilities Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2023 May. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2023.1184325
- Katsuhiro Tomofuji , Jumpei Kondo, Kunishige Onuma, Roberto Coppo, Hiroshi Horie , Koki Oyama, Eiji Miyoshi, Ken Fukumitsu, Takamichi Ishii , Etsuro Hatano , Masahiro Inoue Hepatocyte differentiation from mouse liver ductal organoids by transducing 4 liver-specific transcription factors Hepatol Commun. 2023 Apr. https://doi.org/10.1097/hc9.0000000000000134
- Roberto Coppo, Jumpei Kondo, Keita Iida, Mariko Okada, Kunishige Onuma, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Mayumi Kamada, Masayuki Ohue, Kenji Kawada, Kazutaka Obama, Masahiro Inoue. Distinct but interchangeable subpopulations of colorectal cancer cells with different growth fates and drug sensitivity iScience. 2023 Feb. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.105962
- Yu Ito, Jumpei Kondo, Masamune Masuda, Shinya Matsuzaki, Kunishige Onuma, Mizuki Kanda, Yuko Watanabe, Hitomi Sakaguchi, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Yutaka Ueda, Shoji Kamiura, Tadashi Kimura & Masahiro Inoue Ex vivo chemosensitivity assay using primary ovarian cancer organoids for predicting clinical response and screening effective drugs Human Cell. 2022 Dec. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13577-022-00827-w
- Kawata M, Kondo J, Onuma K, Ito Y, Yokoi T, Hamanishi J, Mandai M, Kimura T, Inoue M Polarity switching of ovarian cancer cell clusters via SRC family kinase is involved in the peritoneal dissemination Cancer Sci. 2022 Oct;113(10):3437-3448. https://doi.org/10.1111/cas.15493
- Onuma K, Sato Y, Okuyama H, Uematsu H, Homma K, Ohue M, Kondo J, Inoue M. Aberrant activation of Rho/ROCK signaling in impaired polarity switching of colorectal micropapillary carcinoma. J Pathol.255(1):84-94, 2021
- Tanaka M, Kondo J, Kaneko K, Endo H, Onuma K, Coppo R, Masuda M, Kamiura S, Yoshino K, Ueda Y, Kakeya H, Kimura T, Inoue M. Heterogenous chemosensitivity of a panel of organoid lines derived from small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Human Cell.34(3):889-900, 2021
- Endo H, Kondo J, Onuma K, Ohue M, Inoue M. Small subset of Wnt-activated cells is an initiator of regrowth in colorectal cancer organoids after irradiation. Cancer Sci. 111(12):4429-4441, 2020
- Sato M, Onuma K, Domon M, Hasegawa S, Suzuki A, Kusumi R, Hino R, Kakihara N, Kanda Y, Osaki M, Hamada J, Bannai S, Feederle R, Buday K, Angeli JPF, Proneth B, Conrad M, Okada F, Sato H. Loss of the cystine/glutamate antiporter in melanoma abrogates tumor metastasis and markedly increases survival rates of mice. Int J Cancer. 147(11):3224-3235, 2020
- Taniguchi N, Osaki M, Onuma K, Ishikawa M, Ryoke K, Kodani I, Okada F. Bisphosphonate-induced reactive oxygen species inhibit proliferation and migration of oral fibroblasts: A pathogenesis of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. J Periodontol. 91(7):947-955, 2020
- Kubota S, Tanaka M, Endo H, Ito Y, Onuma K, Ueda Y, Kamiura S, Yoshino K, Kimura T, Kondo J, Inoue M. Dedifferentiation of neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix in hypoxia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 524(2):398-404, 2020
- Uruma Y, Sivasamy L, Yoong PMY, Onuma K, Omura Y, Doe M, Osaki M, Okada F. Correlation of two distinct metastasis-associated proteins, MTA1 and S100A4, in angiogenesis for promoting tumor growth. Bioorg Med Chem. 27(15):3279-3284, 2019
- Ishikawa M, Osaki M, Yamagishi M, Onuma K, Ito H, Okada F, Endo H. Correlation of two distinct metastasis-associated proteins, MTA1 and S100A4, in angiogenesis for promoting tumor growth. Oncogene. 38(24):4715-4728, 2019
- Maru Y, Onuma K, Ochiai M, Imai T, Hippo Y. Shortcuts to Intestinal Carcinogenesis by Genetic Engineering in Organoids. Cancer Sci. doi: 10.1111/cas.13938., 2019
- Kanda Y, Kawaguchi T, Osaki M, Onuma K, Ochiya T, Kitagawa T, Okada F. Fascin protein stabilization by miR-146a implicated in the process of a chronic inflammation-related colon carcinogenesis model. Inflamm Res 67(10):839-846, 2018
- Kurai J, Onuma K, Sano H, Okada F, Watanabe M. Ozone augments interleukin-8 production induced by ambient particulate matter. Genes Environ 18;40:14, 2018
- Yumioka T, Osaki M, Sasaki R, Yamaguchi N, Onuma K, Iwamoto H, Morizane S, Honda M, Takenaka A, Okada F. Lysosome-associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2) expression induced by miR-194-5p downregulation contributes to sunitinib resistance in human renal cell carcinoma cells. Oncol Lett 15(1):893-900, 2018
- Yamaguchi N, Osaki M, Onuma K, Yumioka T, Iwamoto H, Sejima T, Kugoh H, Takenaka A and Okada F. Identification of microRNAs involved in resistance to Sunitinib in renal cell carcinoma cells. Anticancer Res 37(6): 2985-2992, 2017
- Uruma Y, Nonomura T, Yen PYM, Edatani M, Yamamoto R, Onuma K and Okada F. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a highly water soluble psoralen-based photosensitizer. Bioorgan Med Chem 2017, in press
- Kanda Y, Osaki M, Onuma K, Sonoda A, Kobayashi M, Hamada J, Nicolson GL, Ochiya T and Okada F. Amigo2-upregulation in tumour cells facilitates their attachment to liver endothelial cells resulting in liver metastases. Sci Rep 7: 43567, 2017
- Onuma K, Kanda Y, Suzuki I , Sakaki R, Nonomura T, Kobayashi M, Osaki M, Shikanai M, Kobayashi H, Okada F. Fermented Brown Rice and Rice Bran with Aspergillus oryzae (FBRA) Prevents Inflammation-Related Carcinogenesis in Mice, through Inhibition of Inflammatory Cell Infiltration. Nutrients. Dec 8;7(12):10237-50, 2015
- Kanda Y, Kawaguchi T, Kuramitsu Y, Kitagawa T, Kobayashi T, Takahashi N, Tazawa H, Habelhah H, Hamada J, Kobayashi M, Hirahata M, Onuma K, Osaki M, Nakamura K, Kitagawa T, Hosokawa M, Okada F. Fascin regulates chronic inflammation-related human colon carcinogenesis by inhibiting cell anoikis. Proteomics. 14(9):1031-41, 2014
- Onuma K, Ochiai M, Orihashi K, Takahashi M, Imai T, Nakagama H, Hippo Y. Genetic reconstitution of tumorigenesis in primary intestinal cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2; 110(27): 11127-32, 2013
- Onuma K, Suenaga Y, Sakaki R, Yoshitome S, Sato Y, Ogawara S, Suzuki S, Kuramitsu Y, Yokoyama H, Murakami A, Hamada J, Nicolson GL, Kobayashi M, Fujii J, Okada F. Development of a quantitative bioassay to assess preventive compounds against inflammation-based carcinogenesis. Nitric Oxide. 25: 183-94, 2011
- Mutoh M, Teraoka N, Takasu S, Takahashi M, Onuma K, Yamamoto M, Kubota N, Iseki T, Kadowaki T, Sugimura T, Wakabayashi K. Loss of adiponectin promotes intestinal carcinogenesis in Min and wild-type mice. Gastroenterology. 140: 2000-2008, 2011
- Onuma K, Sato Y, Ogawara S, Shirasawa N, Kobayashi M, Yoshitake J, Yoshimura T, Iigo M, Fujii J and Okada F. Nano-scaled particles of titanium dioxide convert benign mouse fibrosarcoma cells into aggressive tumor cells. Am J Pathol. 175: 2171-83, 2009
- Iuchi Y, Okada F, Onuma K, Onoda T, Asao H, Kobayashi M and Fujii J. Elevated oxidative stress in erythrocytes due to an SOD1 deficiency causes anemia and triggers autoantibody production. Biochem J. 402: 219-227, 2007
- Yamanobe T, Okada F, Iuchi Y, Onuma K, Tomita Y and Fujii J. Deterioration of Ischemia/Reperfusion-induced Acute Renal Failure in SOD1-deficient Mice. Free Radic Res. 41: 200-207, 2007
- Okada F, Onuma K and Fujii J. Inflammation and its-derived reactive oxygen species as an endogenous factor in tumor development and progression. Free Radic Res 40: S115, 2006
- Fujii J, Iuchi Y, Okada F, Onuma K and Kobayashi M. Elevated oxidative stress due to SOD1-deficiency causes generation of autoantibody against erythrocytes in mice. Free Radic Res 40: S81, 2006
- Iuchi Y, Okada F, Onuma K, Kobayashi M and Fujii J. Autoantibody triggered by accelerated erythrocyte aging. Free Radic Res 40: S80, 2006
- Okada F, Kobayashi M, Tanaka H, Kobayashi T, Tazawa H, Iuchi Y, Onuma K, Hosokawa M, Dinauer MC and Hunt NH. The role of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species in the acquisition of metastatic ability of tumor cells. Am J Pathol. 169: 294-302, 2006
- Okada F, Shionoya H, Kobayashi M, Kobayashi T, Tazawa H, Onuma K, Iuchi Y, Matsubara N, Ijichi T, Dugas B and Hosokawa M. Prevention of inflammation-mediated acquisition of metastatic properties of benign mouse fibrosarcoma cells by administration of an orally available superoxide dismutase. Br J Cancer. 96: 854-862, 2006